Thursday, May 26, 2011

Finished Quilt and a New Restaurant

I finished my sample quilt! I think I was excited because I've never ever finished a quilt in a week before. Next week I'll be driving to West Seattle to drop it off. I hope she likes it. I can't wait to see a quilt I made hanging on the wall of a fabric shop!

I didn't get creative with the quilting. I quilted it just like it showed on the pattern cover. As this is my first, I decided to follow it to the letter. I think it will be nice for her customers to see an example of the finished quilt in person, rather than just a picture.

Next week when I take this in, I will also be picking up the pattern and fabrics to make a sample for the class I'll be teaching next month. I'm so nervous!!! I hope I don't ramble on while teaching. I tend to do that.

In other news, a brand new Ivar's opened just a few blocks from my house on Tuesday. If you aren't familiar with Ivar's, it's a fast food seafood chain that is Seattle through and through. Their food is so delicious. We just had to go. I put on my walking shoes and rounded up the kids and the hubs. We were way more excited than is normal and/or appropriate for a fast food dinner. We ordered clams, fish and chips, and a TANKER of clam chowder. Yeah. A tanker. 32 ounces of creamy clammy goodness. I got a hilarious snapshot of the hubs carrying his loot:

My kids even got their photo taken with a giant clam. All in all, I'd say it was a great evening with the family.


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