Sunday, November 6, 2011

Birthday Quilt

Next weekend is my grandmas birthday. My grandma is the sweetest lady I have ever known, and I love her dearly. I have made many quilts over the last several years but have never made one for her.

A few months ago I put together a Jelly Roll Race quilt top. I used Shangri-La by 3 Sisters. I had the jelly roll for a long time and loved the colors in the fabric, but never could figure out what to make with it. After I put the top together I folded it up and it sat on my shelf for quite some time.

Once I finally got started quilting it, the entire time I kept thinking of my grandma. The colors in these fabrics reminded me of her and how she decorated her home. I had meant to finish up this quilt and list it for sale, but I couldn't help but feel this quilt was meant for her.

I finished attaching the binding last night while watching 'V for Vendetta' one of my favorite movies. It was November 5th after all so I kind of had to watch it.

Here it is all finished - please ignore the fold lines. I still need to wash it, but it will be all ready to go this week. Happy birthday, Grandma. I love you!

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