Saturday, September 17, 2011

Canning Day

I don't consider myself to be very domestic. But every once in awhile I get the urge to be Suzy Homemaker. My husband and kids all know that isn't really going to happen, but I like to fantasize every now and again that I am June Cleaver reincarnated.

I have had the inkling (and the supplies) to learn how to do some canning for quite some time. I am really interested in sustainability and living off the land. I want a huge garden, and some animals. I do have some space here, but our soil is incredibly rocky and it's hard to garden in it. I am thinking of having my husband build some raised garden beds for me so I can use good soil. He also ok'd the idea of getting some chickens possibly this spring. So I guess I don't really want to be a homemaker. I want to be a farmer!

Anyway, over the summer we went to visit family in Yakima, WA and there are lots of places to get great deals on fresh fruit around there. I stopped at a fruit stand and they had a 25 pound box of peaches for $10.95. Seriously! I couldn't pass that up. I brought home a box and the next day I began the canning adventure. I also got 25 pounds of apples and nectarines.

I spent nearly the entire day peeling and cutting peaches. My kitchen looked like someone had been massacred in it. I made an absolute mess!

Canning, it seems, is much more difficult than it looks. But I did it and by the end of day I had six quart sized jars sitting on my counter with the lids making little popping sounds.

After my canning experience, I decided to finally make the quilt that I had planned with some fabric I got from Connecting Threads (which, by the way, makes all their fabric in the USA made from cotton grown in the USA) called "Canning Day". It seems too perfect not to, right?

It is a bit farther along now. I have the entire top complete. I need to eventually get some backing fabric so I can quilt her up!

So tell me, have you ever canned? What are your favorite things to make? And am I crazy or has anyone else made a quilt to go with another project like this before?

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