Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Swooning (Slowly) Along

You may or may not recall my post awhile ago about the practice Swoon block I made, but I have since cut up all of my Meadowsweet fabrics by Sandie Henderson and have pieced together two of the four blocks I plan to  make. I know 4 blocks doesn't sound like a lot, but each block in this quilt pattern is a whopping 24" square!

I'm not super happy with the first one. There isn't quite enough contrast between the two fabrics to make the pattern really stand out. I like how the second one turned out much better.

It was a bit on the windy side here today, so getting this picture was more difficult than you might imagine.

If you really want to be inspired to take the plunge and start one of these beautiful quilts, check out this Flickr group for some serious eye candy!

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