Friday, August 26, 2011

Fave 5 Friday

My friend Sharon started a new linky party! I'm so excited for this one because it's just my favorite 5 photos that I have taken this week. Easy peasy! No expectation to finish projects or anything. Phew. You can link up too. Just head over to Sharon's blog A Prairie Sunrise, and add your link. I love looking at beautiful photos and having a little sneak peek into the real lives of my online friends :)

Without further ado, here are my fave 5 for this week:

Walking the dogs

Apex Quilt

Relaxing and making beautiful things

A tree in a tree

My sweet girl sewing her very first bag for school


  1. The dogs & the hexi tree are so great! And hooray for your beautiful girl making her own bag for school, that's awesome!

    Thanks for linking up. :D

  2. I cant wait until M is old enough to sew with me, looks like she's having fun! I really love your hexi tree and the dogs are so cute!
