Tuesday, September 17, 2013


... to get back into blogging is so hard! I always take a break in the summer and then it takes forever before I get back into the swing of things. Maybe a post a week (or even a month) would be beneficial to keep the momentum going.

Anyway, summer was busy - as usual - and I'm so glad school is back in session. Things aren't really less hectic, but at least I have some uninterrupted time to myself to get a few things done.

 You may remember the last time I posted, I had adorable baby chicks. Well, they are still adorable (I think anyway), but now they are actual chickens. I love them. I go them just for eggs, but they are so fun to watch and I love the noises they make. They are pretty entertaining creatures.

 She wasn't sure about the camera here and wanted a closer look. She also wanted to see what it tasted like, apparently, since she pecked at it several times trying to get a bite.

 Summer looked a lot like this for me. We got a boat last year (Craigslist, ftw!) and we have spent some great time together as a family as a result. I'll never admit it to my husband, but it's one of the best things we've ever purchased. The seats are torn, the paint is faded, but it floats. We are able to get away from phones, computers, and television and just play in water and build sand castles.

 We also took the to Silverwood. I thought it was in Coeur d'Alene, ID but it turns out it's actually in a town called Athol. Say it slow and laugh with me. C'mon. That's funny right there.

 I threw a camping party in my backyard this summer too. About 6 of my closest high school girlfriends got together and decided this would be a lot of fun. And it was. We floated the river too.

Of course we had adult beverages at this camping party. What party is complete without that? I wanted to make some cute party favors but I wanted them to be something the girls would keep and be able to use in the future. So I came up with some mason jar cozies. Everyone loved them and we had some delicious cocktails. The best part was that no one had trouble remembering which glass was theirs.

 I also made a couple dresses. I used the Staple Dress pattern by April Rhodes. I love them both, but...

This one is my favorite! I have plans to make a few more, but I need to figure out how to make a few minor adjustments so that it's fits my body a bit better.

And lastly, I made the decision to take on a new business adventure over the summer. I have been looking for a job that was part time and super flexible. Nothing was really panning out for me and we were falling quickly into money woes (isn't everyone these days?). Well, I have always loved Pampered Chef and I have a lot of their products, but I never really thought about it as a career choice. I was invited to a party, and although I couldn't really shop, I decided to go. Then I signed up to have a party of my own... The idea of starting a business wasn't really on my list of things to do, but nothing else was working out so I said to heck with it and went for it! I'm hoping it works out so I can continue to stay home with my kids and continue to have time to do things I love - like sewing!!!!

Here's my website if you're interested in checking it out :) Selina's Pampered Chef Website


  1. You have been busy. I think I've done nothing in comparison, except for break my leg and take a lot of drugs! :) Glad you came to our end of year party!

  2. I agree about blogging! I always feel like such an Athol when I go months without a post ;)
