I am slowly moving things around to figure out an arrangement. The trouble I'm having is that this needs to be a functional classroom, but still has to be where I sew too. I won't have room inside my house for a sewing space until my kids start moving out, and I'm in no hurry for that. For now, I'm just trying to get a layout of the room in order. It's like a giant jigsaw puzzle...
This insulation on the garage door needs to stay, but it's so ugly. I'm thinking of taking it down and wrapping it in some pretty fabric before I put it back up. Or even cover it in batting for a design wall of sorts.
Once I have everything situated where I want it, then we will begin moving it all out. Then the cleaning and painting will begin. There are many things in this room that belong to my husband. So I'm waiting for him to make a space for his things somewhere for his things. I don't really think basketball trophies and car parts fit in with the theme I'm going for.
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