Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow Times

You may have heard (ALL OVER NATIONAL NEWS) that western WA got some snow. It was really great! The kids loved playing in it and they built these cute little snowmen in our front yard. School was cancelled and they got to play outside all day, with hot cocoa breaks in between.

The snow kept coming down all day long. I had heard it was supposed to be quite a lot. Before it got too dark that night to take a photo, I snapped this one out my front door:

For us, this is an incredible amount of snow. It wasn't so bad. I can handle snow, and it looks so beautiful and peaceful out there. Then the freezing rain started. I woke up to this:

Our massive trees around here were already heavy with snow. We had freezing rain coming down on top of that for an entire day which made a good half inch coating of ice over everything. Trees started snapping. You could literally hear them creaking under the weight of the snow and ice. Branches began crashing down everywhere. Fences were broken down, power lines snapped. It was horrible. Luckily we don't have any trees in our yard. But I felt horrible for all my neighbors because they have tons! We were all without power and it was cold, cold, cold...

Everything is back to normal now. All of our snow has melted and we're back to our usual rain. We've been watching for flooding, but it hasn't happened yet, so I don't think it will.

What kind of wacky weather have you been having?

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