Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two New Quilts

Even though I haven't been around as much lately, I really have been keeping myself busy! I promise! I even have proof to show you that I have been doing things.

I have had this cheater print by Mo Bedell from her Party Dress line for quite some time. I started a baby quilt with it awhile ago and it sat in my WIP pile for several months. A few days ago I decided to take out all of the quilting stitches and start over. I really felt like it needed a border. Yesterday, after I was more than halfway finished with the quilt, I hopped on Pinterest during a little sewing break and I saw a quilt that was almost the same! I was upset by this. I was afraid people would think that I had seen it and copied someone else's idea. I have certainly made quilts from kits before and things that are definitely not original, but not to sell. And I planned to sell this one...

I finished it and I have to say, I really, really like it. And is it so far fetched that with a panel like this there are probably many quilts out there that look very similar to this anyway? That's kind of the nature of panels I think. I added a pretty border and quilted flowers on it...

And I backed it with a super soft vintage sheet, with the sweetest, most dainty little pink and yellow flowers on it...

I also finished another quilt that has been on my list for SO long. I had a charm pack of Sherbet Pips sitting on my shelf for what seemed like forever. It was high time I used it, don't you think? I posted a crappy picture from my phone a few days ago, but I have a couple better ones here (found my secret battery stash for my camera!)

I did a scrappy binding. The solid colors I used are all Kona cottons. 

I pieced the back in an attempt to add interest. Not sure if that worked out so well.

So that brings me to my questions for you. Have you ever made a quilt thinking you were so clever and saw another almost just like it? And, how long do you think is an acceptable amount of time for a fabric line to sit before you use it? Is there a point where the fabric is no longer "cool" (so last year, you know) and deemed unusable?

Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend!

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