Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mini Vacation

I'm finishing up the last bit of packing tonight before I hit the open road tomorrow morning. The kids and I (and the dog) are headed to Boise, ID for several days. I am not looking forward to 8 hours and 1 minute - according to map quest - in the car with all those munchkins. They get downright crabby! We have iPods, a Nintendo DS, and several books to try to keep them from being bored to death for as long as possible. One thing I can't wait for though? Sunshine. I dug out my shorts and tank tops, shook the dust off of them, and packed them in my super cutsie suitcase.

I have not seen the sun in, oh, 9 months or something ridiculous like that. I know everyone in the rest of the country says they'd love to trade weather with Seattle right now because they are all having a heat wave. Well, I'm sure that grey skies, rain, and 60 degrees sounds lovely when it is a sweltering 104. However, when all you ever see are grey skies and rain? Not so lovely. I'm looking forward to finally soaking up some rays (responsibly, of course. Lots of sunblock) and splashing around in the pool with all my kiddos.

These are pictures from our trip last year. I'll have a ton more to share when we get back. Happy summer!


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